course played: transit valley country club
holes played: 1 through 9
balls lost: 1 (?)
balls found: 0
transit valley course |
my golf bag on the transit valley course... on wheels |
i used a pull cart for the first time when i was in buffalo. i tried to resist because i thought that it made my cool golf bag look too much like it rides the short bus to school. under pressure, i buckled, and dragged this thing around during my two days of sub-par (literally!) golf. this is what i brought:
a. balls to lose and tees to break go in that pocket of my ping 4 under golf bag
b. the driver that refused to make contact with any balls - blame it on the arrow, not the indian
c. towel #1 because it was extra hot
d. towel #2 because it was extra muddy
e. neel's mom's 3-wood that i borrowed and was too bad/afraid to use
f. the grade for my performance, my bag's appearance* and, coincidentally, the letter of the alphabet uttered frequently during frustrating rounds of golf
* what is this, a towel rack?